Section 38-9G-3 - Notification upon criminal conviction, protection order, or investigations(a) The Administrative Office of Courts shall notify the Department of Human Resources of the criminal conviction or protection order concerning an individual under any of the following circumstances: (1) An individual is found guilty of a crime perpetrated against an elderly person or an adult in need of protective services as described in Section 38-9G-2.(2) The court issues an elder abuse protection order against an individual pursuant to Section 38-9F-4.(3) The court issues a protection from abuse order against an individual pursuant to Chapter 5 of Title 30 for the protection of an elderly person or an adult in need of protective services.(b)(1) Any agency responsible for investigating reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse under Section 38-9-8, shall notify the Department of Human Resources of the outcome of the investigation if the report is determined to have been true or founded.(2) In addition to documentation required by the department pursuant to subdivision (1), notification shall include the individual's last known mailing address and any other information that the agency determines is necessary to adequately identify the individual when inquiry to the Alabama Elder and Adult in Need of Protective Services Abuse Registry is made.(c) The department shall adopt rules for the implementation of this chapter. The rules shall include provisions requiring the submission of documentation for the purposes of notifying the department of a criminal conviction, protection order, or report pursuant to subsections (a) and (b).Ala. Code § 38-9G-3 (1975)
Added by Act 2022-161,§ 5, eff. 6/1/2022.