Section 36-25A-5 - Rules of parliamentary procedure; voting(a) Unless otherwise provided by law, meetings shall be conducted pursuant to the governing body's adopted rules of parliamentary procedure not in conflict with laws applicable to the governmental body.(b) Unless otherwise permitted by this chapter or directed by provisions in the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, or other existing state law applicable to the governmental body, all votes on matters before a governmental body, including, but not limited to, votes to appropriate or to authorize a governmental body's designated employee, within limits prescribed by the governmental body without further authorization of the governmental body, to spend public funds, to levy taxes or fees, to forgive debts to the governmental body, or to grant tax abatements, shall be made during the open or public portion of a meeting for which notice has been provided pursuant to this chapter. Voice votes may be allowed. Unless permitted by this chapter, existing statute, or constitutional amendment, no votes shall be taken in executive sessions. Unless otherwise directed by provisions in the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, or other existing state law applicable to a governmental body, a governmental body may not vote by secret ballot.Ala. Code § 36-25A-5 (1975)