Section 36-17-20 - State Treasury Operations Fund(a) There is hereby created in the state treasury a special fund to be known as the State Treasury Operations Fund, which shall be used exclusively for the operations of the Office of the State Treasurer. This fund may receive general fund appropriations, amounts from the Unclaimed Property Reserve Fund, and any other receipts. All unobligated amounts remaining in this special fund at the end of any fiscal year of the State of Alabama shall remain in this special fund and be available for use for the operations of the office. No funds shall be expended for any purpose whatsoever unless the same have been allotted and budgeted in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41, and only in amounts and for the purposes provided by the Legislature in the general appropriation bill or as otherwise provided by statute.(b) Should the funds provided to the State Treasurer through the State Treasury Operations Fund be insufficient to properly operate the office, the State Treasurer shall request a sufficient appropriation from any state funds.