Section 36-1-7.1 - Alabama Employees' Suggestion Incentive Program(a) There is established the Alabama Employees' Suggestion Incentive Program for merit and non-merit employees of state government. The program will make financial incentive awards to state employees whose adopted suggestions result in substantial financial savings or improvement in the efficiency of state operations.(b) There is established the Alabama Employees' Suggestion Incentive Board, which shall be composed of the Director of Finance, the Governor or his or her designee, and the Executive Director of the Alabama State Employees' Association.(c) The board shall adopt rules to govern its proceedings and may adopt any other rules and regulations necessary to implement this section, including specifying classifications of employees for award purposes and excluding any employee classifications from this section.(d) The board shall elect a chair and secretary, shall maintain a permanent and accurate record of its proceedings, and shall establish criteria for making and approving awards. The board shall meet at least quarterly to evaluate suggestions forwarded to it by state departments and agencies. Departments or agencies shall forward to the board a suggestion submitted by an employee together with the department's recommendation regarding the suggestion and a calculation of one-time savings, and when possible, the on-going savings that would result from implementation of the suggestion. The department or agency shall not implement an employee suggestion forwarded pursuant to this section until the board approves and authorizes implementation.(e) Upon approval and implementation of an employee suggestion that is meritorious, the board shall award the employee submitting the suggestion a one-time cash award of one thousand dollars ($1,000). In an exceptional situation, the board may award up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) to an employee for a suggestion or suggestions that result in extraordinary savings or improvement for the state.(f) No elected official or department head shall be eligible to be a recipient of an incentive award pursuant to this section.(g) A state department or agency shall implement the employee suggestion within 180 days of the approval notice from the board or provide a written report to the board at that time with specific reasons why the department has not implemented the suggestion.(h) Beginning with the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2000, the Legislature shall make an annual appropriation to the board for implementing this section.Ala. Code § 36-1-7.1 (1975)
Act 2000-767, p. 1761, § 1.