Section 34-15C-11 - ViolationsThe board may revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue a certificate of registration, issue a private or public reprimand regarding a registered interior designer, assess and collect administrative fines against a registered interior designer not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or proceed with any combination of the foregoing, for any of the following conduct:
(1) Fraud, deceit, dishonesty, or misrepresentation, whether knowing or unknowing, in the pursuit of his or her practice or in obtaining any certificate of registration.(2) Gross negligence, misconduct, or incompetence in the pursuit of his or her practice.(3) Conviction of a felony, until civil rights are restored.(4) Incompetency as adjudged by a court having jurisdiction.(5) Violating or directly or indirectly aiding or abetting in a violation of Section 34-15C-9.(6) Practicing in this state in violation of any standards of professional conduct as may be established by rule of the board.(7) Failure to pay any fee or fine assessed by the board.(8) Failure to comply with any order of the board.Ala. Code § 34-15C-11 (1975)
Act 2010-706, p. 1715, § 2 (b).