Section 31-5A-7 - Veterans Home Trust Fund; deposits; expenditures(a) A trust fund in the State Treasury is created for the benefit of the State Department of Veterans Affairs, to be known as the Alabama Veterans Home Trust Fund.(b) The trust fund shall consist of all funds received by the board or the department from the United States, any federal agency or institution, gifts, contributions, bequests, any individual reimbursements, and any other source, for the care or support of veterans, discharged other than under dishonorable conditions, who have been admitted and cared for at a state veterans home.(c) Nothing contained in this section prohibits the establishment and utilization of special agency accounts by the department and its constituent institutions, as may be approved by the board, for receipt and disbursement of the personal funds of state veterans home residents and members or for receipt and disbursement of charitable contributions and donations for use by and for the benefit of residents and members.(d) The trust fund created pursuant to this section shall be used by the department to pay for the care of veterans, discharged other than under dishonorable conditions, in a state veterans home and to pay the general operating expenses of a state veterans home, including the payment of salaries and wages of officials and employees. Funds in the trust fund may be used to remodel, repair, construct, build additions, modernize, or add improvements of domiciliary or hospital buildings necessary for the care of veterans, plus architectural plans, specifications, or other pertinent costs as approved by appropriate state agencies. All funds deposited, plus income earned on investment or reinvestment, shall be credited to the trust fund created pursuant to this section. Any money remaining in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall remain on deposit in the State Treasury to the credit of the Alabama Veterans Home Trust Fund. No funds shall be withdrawn or expended for any purpose unless the funds have been allotted and budgeted in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41, and only in the amounts and for the purposes provided by the Legislature in the General Appropriation Act.Ala. Code § 31-5A-7 (1975)
Amended by Act 2024-442,§ 2, eff. 10/1/2024.Acts 1988, 1st Sp. Sess., No. 88-776, p. 184, §6.