Ala. Code § 31-2-67
On or before December 1 next preceding the beginning of each regular session of the Legislature of Alabama, the Adjutant General shall prepare and submit to the Governor a report covering the functioning of the State Military Department during the period since the last previous such report and ending September 30 of the year in which the report is submitted, which report shall be transmitted by the Governor to the Legislature for its information and consideration. The report shall include the number and condition of all arms and equipment belonging to the state or in the custody of the state for the use of the Alabama National Guard and Naval Militia, statistics pertaining to the strength and organization of the Alabama National Guard, Naval Militia, and State Militia, information concerning armories, arsenals, warehouses, and similar structures and establishments, a detailed report of all funds and moneys received and disbursed by the State Military Department, recommendations as to needed legislation and appropriations, and such other information concerning the land and naval forces of the state as may be of value and interest to the Governor, the Legislature, and the public. Such report shall be printed and bound and the expenses incident thereto shall be paid out of the appropriation to the Military Department.
Ala. Code § 31-2-67 (1975)