Section 31-2-14 - Bonds of persons responsible for public or military property or public funds(a) Persons required to give bond. Any person to whom public or military property is issued at any time, or to whom any public money is paid or who disburses any such funds, may be required to give bond in a surety company conditioned faithfully to perform the duties of his office, in such amounts and under such rules and regulations established by the Adjutant General, to use all care in the safekeeping of military stores and property committed to his custody, to account for the same and to deliver to his successor, or to any other person authorized to receive the same, all such military property and to properly account for all public money received by him, and for all public money disbursed, the bonds to be approved by the Adjutant General, and the premiums thereon to be paid by the state; provided, that no person shall be held liable for loss of public money deposited in any state or national bank, said loss being occasioned by reason of failure of such bank or the forfeiture of its charter. This provision shall be retroactive in all cases recommended by the State Military Advisory Board and approved by the Governor.(b) Liability of bonded persons for losses. No commissioned officer or other person giving bond for the safekeeping of military arms or other public or military property is to be held liable for loss by fire, riot or insurrection, or other casualty of the service, unless held liable by a board of survey or a surveying officer who shall be appointed by and whose findings shall be approved by the Governor.Ala. Code § 31-2-14 (1975)
Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §§14, 15; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §14.