Ala. Code § 31-2-123
The commander of any body of National Guard troops guarding any jail, public building, or other place, or escorting any prisoner may, if he deems it advisable, prescribe a reasonable distance in the vicinity of such jail, public building, or other place, or escort of such prisoner within which persons shall not come, and any person knowingly and wilfully, without lawful excuse, coming within such limits without the permission of such officer, and refusing to retire after being ordered to do so, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and any person so coming and remaining in such limits in the nighttime is guilty of a felony, and must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than two years. In either case, it shall be the duty of the officer commanding such National Guard troops forthwith to arrest persons thus offending, and turn them over to some civil magistrate.
Ala. Code § 31-2-123 (1975)