Section 3-5-7 - Filing of statement where owner of livestock or animal taken up unknown, not resident of county, etc(a) If the owner of any livestock or animal found at large and uncontrolled on the premises of another or upon the public lands, highways, roads or streets in the State of Alabama is unknown or if the owner is known but has no place of residence within the county where the livestock or animal is taken up or cannot be located, the officer or person taking up the livestock or animal shall, within two days after so taking up, file a statement in writing with the district court.(b) Such statement shall set forth:(1) The name and address of the person taking up the livestock or animal, or, if an officer, the name, address and official designation of the officer taking up the livestock or animal;(2) A description of the livestock or animal as to kind, sex, marks, brand, color and apparent age;(3) Where the livestock or animal was taken up and where it is impounded;(4) The amount of damage claimed;(5) The amount of charges claimed for taking up and caring for the livestock or animals; and,(6) The amount of the officer's fee and the cost of feeding and caring for such livestock or animal during such detention if the livestock or animal is taken up by an officer.