Section 3-4-5 - Requirements as to construction of lawful fences - Standard woven wire fences
The following shall be lawful fences against all livestock:
(1) A standard woven wire fence with 10 line wires and stay wires not over 12 inches apart 47 inches high, the bottom wire resting on the ground, the line wires, beginning at the bottom, spaced not more than three to three and a half, four to four and a half, five to five and a half, six, seven and eight inches apart;(2) A standard woven wire fence with stay wires not over 12 inches apart not less than 36 inches high, the bottom wire resting on the ground, the first eight wires beginning at the bottom, spaced not more than three to three and a half, four to four and a half, five to five and a half and six inches apart, with two wires being of not more than four inch barb, spaced so as to make the fence 48 inches high and securely fastened to trees or posts not more than 10 feet apart.