Section 29-5A-45 - Estimate of amount of money involved under provisions of certain bills(a) Every general bill creating, eliminating, or affecting in any way a state or local program, service, function, or revenue source and which thereby requires the expenditure of county or municipal funds or thereby decreases or increases revenue collections by any county or municipality, before any vote is taken thereon in the Senate or House of Representatives, shall have endorsed thereon or attached thereto an estimate made by the Fiscal Division of the amount of money involved therein, and the anticipated increase in county or municipal spending or the decrease in county or municipal revenue collections under the bill. In the event that insufficient data is available to formulate an estimate of the amount of money involved therein, the division shall note that fact on such endorsement or attachment which shall constitute compliance herewith.(b) A fiscal note provided under this section shall be endorsed on the bill or attached thereto and may be printed on the calendar of bills on third reading immediately following the title of the bill.(c) The Fiscal Division is authorized to secure information, data, estimates, and statistics directly from the employees and officials of the various departments, agencies, institutions, establishments, boards, and commissions of the county and municipal governments of the state which are necessary for the division to fulfill the duties and functions imposed by this section. The employees and officials of all departments, agencies, institutions, establishments, boards, and commissions shall furnish the division, any available material which the division determines to be necessary in the performance of the duties and functions required by this section.Ala. Code § 29-5A-45 (1975)
Added by Act 2017-214,§ 1, eff. 10/1/2017.