Section 27-30-16 - Contracts - Annual valuation - Benefits payable in cash(a) The commissioner shall each year compute the net value as of December 31 of the preceding year of all benefits payable in cash under all outstanding contracts or policies of each mutual aid association. Such valuation shall be made upon the basis of the "combined experience" or "actuaries table" or "the American experience table" rate of mortality (Illinois standard of valuation), with interest at the rate of four percent per annum. The aggregate net value so ascertained of such contracts or policies of the association shall be deemed its liability on account of such cash benefits, other than accrued claims, for the purpose of any determination of its financial condition.(b) Funds of the association in amount not less than the value of such benefits, as valued under this section, shall be held by the association in cash or in investments as authorized under Section 27-30-20.Ala. Code § 27-30-16 (1975)
Acts 1935, No. 114, p. 165; Acts 1947, No. 528, p. 386; Acts 1953, No. 643, p. 901; Acts 1953, No. 646, p. 904; Acts 1971, No. 407, p. 707, §572.