Section 26-10E-15 - Surrender of physical custody of an adoptee(a) No health facility shall surrender the physical custody of an adoptee to any individual or entity other than the county Department of Human Resources (the department), a licensed child placing agency, parent, relative by blood or marriage, or individual having legal custody, unless this surrender is authorized in a writing executed after the birth of the adoptee by one of the adoptee's parents, the agency, or the individual having legal custody of the adoptee.(b) A health facility shall report to the county Department of Human Resources, on forms supplied by the department, the name and address of any individual and, in the case of an individual acting as an agent for an organization, the name and address of the organization to whose physical custody an adoptee is surrendered. This report shall be transmitted to the department within 48 hours from the surrendering of custody.Ala. Code § 26-10E-15 (1975)
Added by Act 2023-92,§ 1, eff. 1/1/2024.