Section 25-8-32.2 - Child Labor Administrative Trust Fund(a) The Child Labor Administrative Trust Fund is established in the State Treasury into which shall be deposited certain assessments under this chapter collected by the department. The fund shall constitute a separate fund to be disbursed by the state Comptroller on order of the secretary. For two years following May 19, 2009, the child labor division of the department shall be funded from the State General Fund after which expenses incurred by the child labor division of the department under the child labor law, including the salaries of all employees, travel cost, and costs of administration and enforcement as may become necessary, either within or without the state, shall be paid from the trust fund in the State Treasury upon warrants of the state Comptroller drawn upon the State Treasury from time to time when vouchers therefor are approved by the secretary. For the two years referred to in the previous sentence, the amount contributed from the State General Fund in each of those years for expenses incurred by the child labor division shall not exceed the fiscal year 2009 amount of General Fund money funding this division. The State Treasurer shall pay moneys from the separate fund upon the order of the secretary. The total expense for every purpose incurred shall not exceed the total assessment collected and paid into the fund. No funds shall be withdrawn or expended except those budgeted and allocated in accordance with Article 4, commencing with Section 41-4-80, of Chapter 4 of Title 41. All moneys remaining unexpended in the separate fund at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the State Treasury to be expended as herein provided.(b) The State Treasurer shall determine if the money in the trust fund shall be kept in cash or invested. The moneys in the fund may be invested by the State Treasurer and all moneys and interest remaining unexpended in the separate fund provided at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the State Treasury to be expended as herein provided.(c) The secretary is designated as trustee of the fund and the State Treasurer is designated as custodian of the fund, and both shall furnish bonds in amounts deemed appropriate. The cost of bonds for the trustee, custodian, and other employees or officials required to post bond in connection with the program shall be paid out of the fund.(d) The department shall provide by rule for the collection of the amounts assessed against each person, entity, franchise, corporation, or division of a corporation. The amounts shall be paid at the time of application for the Class I and Class II Child Labor Certificates.(e) All money collected pursuant to this section, with the exception of civil penalties, shall be deposited in the Child Labor Administrative Trust Fund. Civil penalties collected pursuant to Section 25-8-59 shall be distributed as provided in Section 25-8-59.Ala. Code § 25-8-32.2 (1975)
Act 2009-565, p. 1654, § 2.