- Section 24-5-1 - Short title
- Section 24-5-2 - Definitions
- Section 24-5-3 - Establishment of uniform standards
- Section 24-5-4 - Inspection or approval; certification of manufacturer
- Section 24-5-5 - Label and certification required for manufactured homes
- Section 24-5-6 - Licenses for sale of manufactured homes
- Section 24-5-7 - Sale of new manufactured homes without labels
- Section 24-5-9 - Inspection of establishments; testing and records
- Section 24-5-10 - License fees
- Section 24-5-11 - Statistics and records as to manufactured homes
- Section 24-5-12 - Administration of article
- Section 24-5-13 - Enforcement of article; local ordinances providing for inspection of manufactured homes
- Section 24-5-13.1 - Commission authorized to enter into contracts with agencies dealing with federal Department of Housing and Urban Development; purpose
- Section 24-5-14 - Penalties; disposition of funds