- Section 23-1-350 - Purpose of article
- Section 23-1-351 - Transfer of property, funds, authority, and jurisdiction to the State Department of Transportation
- Section 23-1-352 - Definitions
- Section 23-1-353 - Transfer of personnel
- Section 23-1-354 - Aeronautics Commission - Composition; qualifications; appointment; terms of office; compensation; removal
- Section 23-1-355 - Aeronautics Commission - Responsibilities
- Section 23-1-356 - Aeronautics Commission - Meetings; election of officers
- Section 23-1-357 - Department - General supervision over aeronautics; cooperation with federal government and political subdivisions of the state; promulgation of rules and regulations
- Section 23-1-358 - Director - Powers and duties generally
- Section 23-1-359 - Authority and procedure for adoption of rules and regulations
- Section 23-1-360 - Financial and technical assistance to municipalities in connection with acquisition, construction of airports, landing fields, or other navigational facilities
- Section 23-1-361 - Authority to accept and receive federal funds for state acquisition, construction, etc., of airports and other navigational facilities; authority to act as agent of municipalities for same purpose; terms and conditions for disbursement of federal funds
- Section 23-1-362 - Authority to audit financial records of municipality, county, and airport authority receiving funds
- Section 23-1-363 - Authority to receive grants, donations, loans, etc., disposition of same for general promotion, advancement, of aeronautics
- Section 23-1-364 - State Airports Development Fund
- Section 23-1-365 - Disposition and disbursement of State Airports Development Fund and other funds
- Section 23-1-366 - Disbursement of state appropriated funds; exception as to funds deposited in Surplus Military Fields Fund
- Section 23-1-367 - Enforcement of aeronautics law; enforcement powers generally
- Section 23-1-368 - Investigations; administration of oaths; subpoena of witnesses; enforcement of subpoena
- Section 23-1-369 - Reports of investigations; limitations on use; prohibitions against compulsion of testimony
- Section 23-1-370 - Intervention in certain controversies
- Section 23-1-371 - Formulation, adoption, of aircraft approach plans; airspace reservations
- Section 23-1-371.1 - Advanced air mobility generally
- Section 23-1-372 - Approval of sites and licensing of airports
- Section 23-1-373 - Certificate of approval or license for airport, landing field - Standards for issuance
- Section 23-1-374 - Revocation, refusal to issue or renew license; procedure for review under the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act
- Section 23-1-375 - Operation of airport, landing field, without license prohibited; application for certificate of approval of proposed airport or landing field; limitation of operations conducted on licensed airport
- Section 23-1-376 - Authority to conduct public hearings in considering application for approval of airport
- Section 23-1-377 - Exceptions
- Section 23-1-378 - Acquisition, construction, operation of airports, facilities, power of condemnation generally
- Section 23-1-379 - Acquisition of easements and other airport protection privileges
- Section 23-1-380 - Exercise of power of eminent domain
- Section 23-1-381 - Lease of property, airports or space, improvements, for aeronautical purposes; airport concessions
- Section 23-1-382 - Possession, display, of federal license, certificate, rating, or permit; exceptions
- Section 23-1-383 - Jurisdiction of crimes and torts; state, municipal, immunity from liability
- Section 23-1-384 - Contracts made during flight
- Section 23-1-385 - Domestic animals or fowl on airports
- Section 23-1-386 - Trespass upon and operation of vehicles on airports
- Section 23-1-387 - Use of aircraft for hunting, prohibited
- Section 23-1-388 - Reckless operation of aircraft
- Section 23-1-389 - Unauthorized use, possession, etc., of aircraft
- Section 23-1-390 - Penalties for violation of this article
- Section 23-1-391 - Effective date of transfer of balances, funds