Chapter 31 - GRAIN DEALERS
- Section 2-31-1 - Definitions
- Section 2-31-2 - Applicability of this article
- Section 2-31-3 - License required; renewal; fees
- Section 2-31-4 - Surety bond; requirements; waiver of bond requirements
- Section 2-31-5 - Bond payable to state with commissioner as trustee; beneficiary of bond; cancellation; trust fund agreement in lieu of bond requirements
- Section 2-31-6 - Fire and extended coverage insurance required; certificate filed with commissioner; cancellation
- Section 2-31-7 - Suspension or revocation of license
- Section 2-31-8 - Action by commissioner upon default
- Section 2-31-9 - Issuance or renewal of license by commissioner; posting of license and certificate
- Section 2-31-10 - Inspection; examination of books, records, etc.; reports to be filed by grain dealers
- Section 2-31-11 - Refusal, suspension or revocation of license - Written notice
- Section 2-31-12 - Refusal, suspension or revocation of license - Contesting; hearing
- Section 2-31-13 - Refusal, suspension or revocation of license - Procedure; hearings
- Section 2-31-14 - Issuance of subpoenas; compensation and allowances of witnesses; administration of oaths
- Section 2-31-15 - Judicial review of ruling of commissioner; appeal from circuit court
- Section 2-31-16 - Rules and regulations
- Section 2-31-17 - Penalty
- Section 2-31-18 - Duty of district attorney
- Section 2-31-19 - Injunction