- Section 2-17-1 - Definitions
- Section 2-17-2 - Legislative findings of fact and declaration of policy; purpose and construction of chapter generally; adoption and promulgation of regulations promulgated under certain federal acts
- Section 2-17-3 - Cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, etc., to be inspected prior to slaughter; diseased cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, etc., to be separately slaughtered; examination and inspection of carcasses of slaughtered animals generally
- Section 2-17-4 - Examination, inspection and labeling of carcasses, etc., of slaughtered cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, etc.; reinspection of carcasses, etc.; destruction of adulterated and condemned carcasses, etc.; removal of inspectors from establishments failing to destroy same
- Section 2-17-5 - Applicability of provisions as to inspection and examination of carcasses, etc.; limitation of entry of carcasses, etc., into establishments inspected under chapter
- Section 2-17-6 - Inspection not to be provided at establishments for slaughter or preparation of cattle, sheep, poultry, carcasses, etc., not intended for use as human food; denaturation or identification thereof prior to offer for sale or transportation; purchase, transportation of carcasses, meat food products or poultry food products not intended for use as human food and not denatured, identified, etc
- Section 2-17-7 - Registration of persons, firms, etc., buying, selling, transporting, etc., dead, dying, disabled, diseased, etc., cattle, sheep, poultry, carcasses, etc
- Section 2-17-8 - Persons, firms, etc., buying, selling, transporting, etc., dead, dying, disabled, diseased, etc., cattle, sheep, poultry, etc., to comply with regulations of commissioner for prevention of use of same for human food purposes
- Section 2-17-9 - Examination, inspecting and labeling, etc., of meat food products and poultry food products; destruction of condemned meat food products and poultry food products; removal of inspectors from establishments failing to destroy same
- Section 2-17-10 - Labeling of cans, pots, etc., containing meat, meat food products, or poultry food products; misbranding of products, or poultry food products; misbranding of carcasses, etc.; establishment of definitions and standards; use of false or misleading names, labeling, etc
- Section 2-17-11 - Inspection of sanitary conditions in slaughtering and processing establishments; commissioner to refuse to allow marking, stamping, etc., of meat food products, poultry food products in establishments where sanitary conditions adulterate meat food products, poultry food products, etc
- Section 2-17-12 - Inspection of cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, etc., slaughtered and prepared in slaughtering and processing establishments; assignment of inspectors and designation of days and hours when slaughtering and processing to be done
- Section 2-17-13 - Slaughter, sale, offer for sale, transportation, etc., of animals, carcasses, food products, etc., in violation of provisions of chapter or regulations promulgated by commissioner
- Section 2-17-14 - Unauthorized casting, printing, etc., of device or label containing official mark or simulation; forgery, unauthorized use, etc., of official devices, marks, etc.; making of false statements in certificates, misrepresentations as to inspections, etc
- Section 2-17-15 - Sale, offer for sale, transportation, etc., of carcasses, etc., of horses, mules, etc., not marked, labeled, etc., to show derivation as required by regulations of commissioner; horses, mules, etc., to be prepared in facilities separated from those in which cattle, sheep, swine, etc., slaughtered or prepared
- Section 2-17-16 - Commissioner to appoint inspectors; duties of inspectors; inspections and examinations to be made in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by commissioner
- Section 2-17-18 - Detention of carcasses, meat food products, poultry food products, etc., believed to be adulterated or misbranded, etc.; removal of official marks therefrom prior to release
- Section 2-17-19 - Condemnation proceedings generally; disposition of condemned animals or articles; payment of costs, fees and expenses, etc
- Section 2-17-20 - Refusal or withdrawal of inspection as to establishments deemed unfit to engage in business because of convictions based upon acquisition, distribution, etc., of unwholesome, mislabeled or deceptively packaged food, etc.; appeals from determination and order of commissioner
- Section 2-17-21 - Promulgation, approval, adoption, amendment, etc., of regulations for implementation of chapter generally; issuance, etc., of temporary orders of commissioner
- Section 2-17-22 - Promulgation of regulations as to storage and handling of carcasses, meats, etc
- Section 2-17-23 - Classes of persons, firms, etc., required to maintain records; examination, etc., of records, facilities and inventories
- Section 2-17-24 - Conduct of investigations and requirement of reports as to organization, business, practices, etc., of persons, firms, etc., engaged in intrastate commerce by commissioner; access to copying, etc., of documentary evidence; powers of commissioner as to witnesses generally; issuance of subpoenas and orders for taking of depositions; enforcement of subpoenas and orders of commissioner, etc., generally; fees of witnesses, etc.; witnesses not to be excused from testifying on grounds of self-incrimination; immunity from prosecution of witnesses as to matters, etc., upon which compelled to testify
- Section 2-17-25 - Designation and powers of commissioner as state agency for cooperating with Secretary of Agriculture; jurisdiction of commissioner exclusive as to activities covered by chapter; cooperation with other governmental branches and agencies
- Section 2-17-26 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-17-27 - Exemption of certain activities from provisions of chapter by commissioner; applicability of certain provisions of chapter
- Section 2-17-28 - Exemption of meat, etc., inspected and passed by United States Department of Agriculture
- Section 2-17-29 - Applicability of chapter to persons, firms, etc., regulated under federal Meat Inspection Act and federal Poultry Products Inspection Act
- Section 2-17-30 - Jurisdiction and prosecution of injunctive proceedings under chapter or regulations promulgated thereunder
- Section 2-17-31 - Admissibility of evidence of violations of chapter or regulations promulgated thereunder in civil actions for damages against persons, firms, etc., subject thereto
- Section 2-17-32 - Interference with person engaged in performance of official duties under chapter, etc
- Section 2-17-33 - Failure to attend and testify, answer lawful inquiry or produce documentary evidence in obedience to subpoena, etc., of commissioner
- Section 2-17-34 - Making, etc., of false statements or entries in reports, accounts, etc.; mutilation, alteration, etc., of documentary evidence, etc
- Section 2-17-35 - Forfeiture by persons, firms, etc., upon failure to file annual or special reports as required by commissioner
- Section 2-17-36 - Disclosure by state officer or employee of information obtained by commissioner without proper authority
- Section 2-17-37 - Penalties for violations of chapter; commissioner not required to report minor violations of chapter for prosecution, etc
- Section 2-17-38 - Construction of chapter