Ala. Code § 2-15-154
No railroad company or the owners or masters of any vessel, boat, truck or other vehicle or other transportation company shall receive for transportation or shall transport livestock from any quarantined district into any other part of Alabama, except as provided in this section.
No person, company or corporation shall deliver livestock for transportation to any railroad company or vessel, boat, truck or other vehicle or other transportation company in a quarantined district of Alabama, except as provided in this section.
No person, company or corporation shall drive or cause to be driven livestock on foot or transport livestock in a private conveyance or cause livestock to be transported in a private conveyance from a quarantined district to a nonquarantined part of Alabama, except as provided in this section.
Livestock may be moved within the limits of a quarantined district or from a quarantined district in Alabama only under and in compliance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Agriculture and Industries. It shall be unlawful to move or to allow to be moved any livestock from one place to another within the limits of a quarantined district or from a quarantined to a nonquarantined district of Alabama in any other manner or method or under any conditions other than prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Board of Agriculture and Industries.
Ala. Code § 2-15-154 (1975)