Ala. Code § 2-1-3
The having in possession of any article, substance, material or product, the sale of which is regulated under the provisions of this title or any other provision of this Code or other statute which the Commissioner, Department or Board of Agriculture and Industries is authorized or directed to administer or enforce, by any person who manufactures, sells, keeps for sale, offers or exposes for sale, serves, distributes or delivers the same shall be prima facie evidence of having in possession with intent to sell, except, that this section or any of the penalties set forth in this title or other such statute shall not apply to any common carrier when said article, substance, material or product was received by said carrier for transportation in the ordinary course of business and without actual knowledge of the adulteration, misbranding or under standard grade, weight or measure claimed.
Ala. Code § 2-1-3 (1975)