Section 16-6H-9 - Alabama Mathematics Summer Achievement Program; summer math camp(a) Commencing with the summer after the 2022-2023 school year, each full support school shall provide the Alabama Mathematics Summer Achievement Program to all students in grades four and five identified with a mathematics deficiency.(b) The Alabama Mathematics Summer Achievement Program for grades four and five shall satisfy all of the following:(1) Be staffed with highly effective teachers of mathematics as demonstrated by student mathematics performance data, completion of professional learning as determined by the Elementary Mathematics Task Force, and teacher performance evaluations.(2) Include not less than 40 hours, nor more than 70 hours of time spent in mathematics problem solving, based on the severity of student need.(3) Incorporate an Elementary Mathematics Task Force recommended mathematics assessment system, that shall be administered both at the beginning and end of each Alabama Summer Mathematics Achievement Program, to measure student progress.(4) Coordinate with existing summer programs conducted by the local education agency or in partnership with community-based summer programs for students similarly situated.(c) Any public school that provides an Alabama Summer Achievement Program for students in grades K-3, as required by the Alabama Literacy Act, Chapter 6G, shall include a portion of mathematics instruction during the program based on student need.(d) Each local education agency shall provide a summer math camp for students in grades K-5 who are identified with a mathematics deficiency. For students in grades K-3, the summer mathematics camp shall be embedded in the summer reading camp, as required by the Alabama Literacy Act, Chapter 6G. For grades 4 and 5, the summer mathematics camp shall include from 40 to 70 hours of time spent in mathematics problem solving, based on the severity of student need.Ala. Code § 16-6H-9 (1975)
Added by Act 2022-249,§ 9, eff. 4/5/2022.