Section 16-6A-8 - Governor's Educational Reform Commission - Additional powers and dutiesIn addition but not limited to the powers and duties otherwise specified in this chapter, the commission shall have the following duties:
(1) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature concerning mechanisms for increasing financial support of public education;(2) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the state funding formula, including consideration of incentive plans to increase local support;(3) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature concerning capital outlay needs of public education in the state;(4) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature concerning the development of summer camp programs for public school students;(5) To study and present recommendations to the Governor and Legislature concerning mathematics, science, and other critical needs areas;(6) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the development of a statewide system of teaching excellence awards;(7) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the development of a statewide performance evaluation system for professional educators;(8) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the Alabama tenure laws for education professionals in the public schools in this state;(9) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature concerning regional in-service education centers in existing institutions of higher education; and(10) To study and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature concerning the development of a career ladder and merit pay plan for all regularly certified education professionals in the public schools of this state. The commission shall recommend its program no later than the fifth legislative day of the 1985 Regular Session.Ala. Code § 16-6A-8 (1975)
Acts 1984, No. 84-622, p. 1260, §8.