Section 16-33A-7 - Nonsectarian use of funds required(a) In the case of a student enrolled in an institution which has a religious or denominational affiliation, the ACHE shall devise and implement rules, regulations and procedures to insure that the maximum amount of assistance available to a student at a given institution under the program does not exceed the per student operating expenditures of the institution for nonsectarian, secular educational purposes.(b) Under no circumstances shall any funds paid pursuant to this chapter be utilized by an institution for religious, sectarian or denominational purposes, and the ACHE shall devise and implement such regulations and procedures as may be appropriate to insure that such funds are used solely for nonsectarian, secular educational purposes. Any institution receiving grant funds on behalf of and to the credit of eligible students shall segregate such funds in a special revenue account and shall identify nonsectarian expenditures of such funds in its budget. Each institution shall maintain documentation acceptable to ACHE of its expenditure of grant funds to permit verification by ACHE, the chief examiner of public accounts or the state auditor.(c) Under no circumstances shall this chapter be construed as authorizing money raised for the support of public schools in the State of Alabama to be appropriated or used for the support of any sectarian or denominational school. All grants permitted by this chapter are strictly limited to eligible students enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an approved institution as defined in this chapter.Ala. Code § 16-33A-7 (1975)
Acts 1978, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 90, p. 1778, §7.