(1) To make a continuous study of the administration of justice in this state and of the organization, procedure, practice, rules and methods of administration and operation of each and all of the courts of the state;(2) To receive and consider and in its discretion investigate criticisms and suggestions pertaining to the administration of justice in the state;(3) To prepare for presentation to the Legislature at each regular session thereof a report of the proceedings of the conference and its recommendations relative to improving the administration of justice in Alabama and particularly of expediting the business of the courts and utilizing in the most appropriate manner the judges of the circuit courts and district courts of the state. The conference shall also recommend such changes or additions to the rules of practice of the trial and appellate courts of the state as in its judgment are needed to the Legislature and the Supreme Court; and(4) To cooperate with and become a part of the Permanent Study Commission on Alabama's Judicial System.
Ala. Code § 12-8-6 (1975)
Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 74, p. 1949, §5; Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 118, p. 4343.