There is hereby appropriated from the Fair Trial Tax Fund, annually, such amount as may be necessary to pay the fees of counsel, court reporters, and such other necessary expenses of indigent defense as are provided by law.
There is also hereby appropriated from the Fair Trial Tax Fund, annually, such amount as may be necessary to pay to the Office of Indigent Defense Services, the salaries, benefits, and other necessary expenses involved in administering the Office of Indigent Defense Services.
In addition thereto, the Legislature shall appropriate annually out of the General Fund in the State Treasury a sum equal to the amount by which the cost of such necessary expenses of indigent defense, as provided by law, exceeds the amount available for such purpose in the Fair Trial Tax Fund.
If the county maintains a public defender, there shall be paid a reasonable share of the cost of maintaining such office, the amount appropriated for such purpose to be prorated to the several counties maintaining public defender's offices on the basis of the case load of the respective public defender offices.
Ala. Code § 12-19-252 (1975)