Cal. Welf. and Inst. Code § 679.5

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 679.5 - [Effective Until 1/1/2026] Juvenile justice proceedings conducted by remote technology
(a) A juvenile justice proceeding may be conducted in whole or in part through the use of remote technology, subject to the provisions of this section.
(b) As used in this section, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Juvenile justice proceeding" means a conference, hearing, or proceeding pursuant to Section 601 or 602.
(2) "Minor" means a person subject to a petition pursuant to Section 601 or 602.
(3) "Remote proceeding" means a juvenile justice proceeding conducted in whole or in part through the use of remote technology.
(4) "Remote technology" means technology that provides for the two-way transmission of video and audio signals except that audio signals alone may be permitted where specifically authorized by subdivision (k) of Section 224.2. Remote technology shall include, but not be limited to, a computer, tablet, telephone, cellular telephone, or other electronic or communications device. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and subject to subdivision (i), a minor, minor's family member or guardian, at the individual's request, may participate through audio only technology.
(c) Except as provided in subdivisions (d), (e), and (f), a minor has the right to be physically present in any juvenile justice proceeding and has the right, subject to express waiver, to the physical presence of defense counsel, any prosecution witnesses whom the prosecution calls to testify, and the judicial officer.
(d) A minor, in consultation with counsel, may waive their right to be physically present and may elect to appear remotely. The court shall take the waiver on the record, but the waiver may be taken remotely. If the minor waives their right to be physically present, the minor, in consultation with counsel, also may waive their right to physical presence of persons identified in subdivision (c).
(e) If the minor is physically present in court, defense counsel shall be physically present absent exceptional circumstances and subject to the express waiver of the minor. If a minor waives their right to be physically present and appears remotely, defense counsel may also appear remotely.
(f) A minor's parent or guardian may appear through remote technology, subject to the court's authority to require the person to be physically present, in accordance, and consistent, with subdivision (i).
(g) A minor retains the same constitutional rights as a criminal defendant to confront and cross-examine witnesses.
(h) The court shall not require any party or witness to appear through the use of remote technology.
(1) If any of the following conditions are present and cannot be resolved, the court shall not permit any party, counsel, or witness to appear or participate in a juvenile justice proceeding through the use of remote technology, and shall continue any juvenile justice proceeding being conducted with remote technology:
(A) The court does not have the technology necessary to conduct the juvenile justice proceeding remotely.
(B) Although the court has the requisite technology, the quality of the technology or audibility prevents the effective management or resolution of the juvenile justice proceeding.
(C) The quality of the technology or audibility at a juvenile justice proceeding inhibits the court reporter's ability to accurately prepare and certify a transcript of the juvenile justice proceeding.
(D) The court reporter is unable to capture the verbatim record and certify a transcript of any proceeding that is conducted remotely, in whole or in part, to the same extent and in the same manner as if it were not conducted remotely.
(E) The quality of the technology or audibility at a juvenile justice proceeding prevents an attorney from being able to provide effective representation to the attorney's client.
(F) The quality of the technology or audibility at a juvenile justice proceeding inhibits a court interpreter's ability to provide language access to a court user or authorized individual.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by law, the court may require a party or witness to appear in person if the court determines on a hearing-by-hearing basis that an inperson appearance would materially assist in the determination of the proceeding or the resolution of the case. The court's determination shall be based on the individual case before the court and the basis for the determination shall be stated on the record. In making its determination, the court shall consider the request of the minor, the nature of the proceedings, and whether requiring the physical presence of the minor would disrupt the education, employment, treatment, or case plan of the minor or would otherwise result in a significant hardship to the minor or the minor's family.
(j) If, at any time during a remote proceeding, the court determines that an inperson appearance is necessary, the court may require such an appearance and continue the matter for only a period of time that is necessary to ensure the party or witness is physically present, considering the factors specified in subdivision (i). The court shall only continue the matter for such period of time as is necessary to ensure the matter can be heard in person. The court shall not continue proceedings beyond statutory time limits pursuant to this section absent a waiver by the minor in consultation with counsel.
(1) Until July 1, 2024, when the court conducts proceedings that will be reported by an official reporter or official reporter pro tempore, the reporter shall be physically present in the same room as the judicial officer except where the court finds that, as the result of unusual circumstances, this requirement would place extreme or undue hardship on the court or the litigants. For purposes of this paragraph, "unusual circumstances" means a work stoppage, a circumstance described in paragraph (a) of Section 68115 of the Government Code, an unforeseen emergency, court proceedings conducted in a remote court location to which a judicial officer is not regularly assigned to sit, or when a judicial officer has to travel to a location outside a courthouse to conduct the proceeding.
(2) Beginning July 1, 2024, when the court conducts proceedings that will be reported by an official reporter or official reporter pro tempore, the reporter shall be physically present in the same room as the judicial officer if the court cannot provide the technology standards described in subdivision (n).
(l) The court may develop local procedures or protocols that benefit minors and families, while ensuring that the constitutional and statutory rights of the minor are protected in remote proceedings, and that a party is not prejudiced by lack of access to, or ability to effectively use, remote technology in any juvenile justice proceeding.
(m) When conducting remote proceedings, the court shall, at a minimum, do all of the following:
(1) Ensure that any party appearing remotely can participate in the proceeding in real time, with no delay in aural or visual transmission or reception.
(2) Ensure that the statements of participants are audible to all other participants and court staff and that the statements made by a participant are identifiable as being made by that participant.
(3) Ensure that any juvenile justice proceeding that is conducted remotely, in whole or in part, is reported to the same extent and in the same manner as if it were not conducted remotely.
(4) Ensure that the quality of the technology or audibility at a remote proceeding does not prevent an attorney from being able to provide effective representation to the attorney's client.
(5) Ensure that a minor appearing remotely is able to communicate confidentially with their attorney during the remote proceeding and provide timely notice to all parties of the steps necessary to secure confidential communication. A request for a confidential attorney-client communication during the remote proceeding shall be granted by the court to ensure effective representation of the minor under the California and the United States Constitutions.
(6) Ensure that the quality of the technology or audibility at a remote proceeding does not inhibit the court reporter's ability to accurately prepare and certify a transcript of the remote proceeding.
(7) Ensure that the quality of the technology or audibility at a remote proceeding does not inhibit a court interpreter's ability to provide language access to a minor, a parent, or other individual ordered by the court to have access to court interpreter services.
(8) Ensure there is a process, before the court with jurisdiction over the case proceeds with a remote proceeding, for a party, witness, official reporter, official reporter pro tempore, court interpreter, or other court personnel to alert the judicial officer of technology or audibility issues that arise during the remote proceeding.
(9) Ensure that the juvenile justice proceedings remain confidential, as required by law.
(10) Permit a party to appear in person for a juvenile justice proceeding at the time and place for which the proceeding was noticed, even if that party had previously notified the court of an intent to appear remotely.
(11) Publish information online providing the instructions necessary for participants to appear remotely.
(n) By April 1, 2024, the Judicial Council shall adopt, and trial courts shall implement by July 1, 2024, minimum standards for the courtroom technology necessary to permit remote participation in juvenile justice proceedings. Such standards shall include, but not be limited to, hard-wired or other reliable high-speed internet connections in the courtroom for the judicial officer and court reporter, and monitors, dedicated cameras, speakers, and microphones so the judicial officer, court reporter, and court interpreter can appropriately see and hear remote participants, as well as to ensure that remote participants can appropriately see and hear the judicial officer and other courtroom participants.
(o) Consistent with federal and California labor law, a trial court shall not retaliate or threaten to retaliate against an official reporter or official reporter pro tempore who notifies the judicial officer that technology or audibility issues are impeding the creation of the verbatim record of a proceeding conducted pursuant to this section that includes participation through remote technology. This subdivision shall only apply to an official reporter and official reporter pro tempore when they meet the definition of "trial court employee" under subdivision (l) of Section 71601 of the Government Code.
(p) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2027, and as of that date is repealed.

Ca. Welf. and Inst. Code § 679.5

Amended by Stats 2024 ch 51 (AB 170),s 15, eff. 7/2/2024.
Added by Stats 2023 ch 34 (SB 133),s 21, eff. 6/30/2023.