Section 6011 - "Sales price" defined(a) "Sales price" means the total amount for which tangible personal property is sold or leased or rented, as the case may be, valued in money, whether paid in money or otherwise, without any deduction on account of any of the following:(1) The cost of the property sold.(2) The cost of materials used, labor or service cost, interest charged, losses, or any other expenses.(3) The cost of transportation of the property, except as excluded by other provisions of this section.(b) The total amount for which the property is sold or leased or rented includes all of the following:(1) Any services that are a part of the sale.(2) Any amount for which credit is given to the purchaser by the seller.(3) The amount of any tax imposed by the United States upon producers and importers of gasoline and the amount of any tax imposed pursuant to Part 2 (commencing with Section 7301) of this division.(c) "Sales price" does not include any of the following: (1) Cash discounts allowed and taken on sales.(2) The amount charged for property returned by customers when that entire amount is refunded either in cash or credit, but this exclusion shall not apply in any instance when the customer, in order to obtain the refund, is required to purchase other property at a price greater than the amount charged for the property that is returned. For the purpose of this section, refund or credit of the entire amount shall be deemed to be given when the purchase price less rehandling and restocking costs are refunded or credited to the customer. The amount withheld for rehandling and restocking costs may be a percentage of the sales price determined by the average cost of rehandling and restocking returned merchandise during the previous accounting cycle.(3) The amount charged for labor or services rendered in installing or applying the property sold.(4)(A) The amount of any tax (not including, however, any manufacturers' or importers' excise tax, except as provided in subparagraph (B)) imposed by the United States upon or with respect to retail sales whether imposed upon the retailer or the consumer.(B) The amount of manufacturers' or importers' excise tax imposed pursuant to Section 4081 or 4091 of the Internal Revenue Code for which the purchaser certifies that he or she is entitled to either a direct refund or credit against his or her income tax for the federal excise tax paid or for which the purchaser issues a certificate pursuant to Section 6245.5.(5) The amount of any tax imposed by any city, county, city and county, or rapid transit district within the State of California upon or with respect to retail sales of tangible personal property, measured by a stated percentage of sales price or gross receipts, whether imposed upon the retailer or the consumer.(6) The amount of any tax imposed by any city, county, city and county, or rapid transit district within the State of California with respect to the storage, use or other consumption in that city, county, city and county, or rapid transit district of tangible personal property measured by a stated percentage of sales price or purchase price, whether the tax is imposed upon the retailer or the consumer.(7) Separately stated charges for transportation from the retailer's place of business or other point from which shipment is made directly to the purchaser, but the exclusion shall not exceed a reasonable charge for transportation by facilities of the retailer or the cost to the retailer of transportation by other than facilities of the retailer. However, if the transportation is by facilities of the retailer, or the property is sold for a delivered price, this exclusion shall be applicable solely with respect to transportation which occurs after the purchase of the property is made.(8) Charges for transporting landfill from an excavation site to a site specified by the purchaser, either if the charge is separately stated and does not exceed a reasonable charge or if the entire consideration consists of payment for transportation.(9) The amount of any motor vehicle, mobilehome, or commercial coach fee or tax imposed by and paid the State of California that has been added to or is measured by a stated percentage of the sales or purchase price of a motor vehicle, mobilehome, or commercial coach.(10)(A) The amount charged for intangible personal property transferred with tangible personal property in any technology transfer agreement, if the technology transfer agreement separately states a reasonable price for the tangible personal property.(B) If the technology transfer agreement does not separately state a price for the tangible personal property, and the tangible personal property or like tangible personal property has been previously sold or leased, or offered for sale or lease, to third parties at a separate price, the price at which the tangible personal property was sold, leased, or offered to third parties shall be used to establish the retail fair market value of the tangible personal property subject to tax. The remaining amount charged under the technology transfer agreement is for the intangible personal property transferred.(C) If the technology transfer agreement does not separately state a price for the tangible personal property, and the tangible personal property or like tangible personal property has not been previously sold or leased, or offered for sale or lease, to third parties at a separate price, the retail fair market value shall be equal to 200 percent of the cost of materials and labor used to produce the tangible personal property subject to tax. The remaining amount charged under the technology transfer agreement is for the intangible personal property transferred.(D) For purposes of this paragraph, "technology transfer agreement" means any agreement under which a person who holds a patent or copyright interest assigns or licenses to another person the right to make and sell a product or to use a process that is subject to the patent or copyright interest.(11) The amount of any tax imposed upon diesel fuel pursuant to Part 31 (commencing with Section 60001).(12)(A) The amount of tax imposed by any Indian tribe within the State of California with respect to a retail sale of tangible personal property measured by a stated percentage of the sales or purchase price, whether the tax is imposed upon the retailer or the consumer.(B) The exclusion authorized by subparagraph (A) shall only apply to those retailers who are in substantial compliance with this part.Ca. Rev. and Tax. Code § 6011
Amended by Stats 2002 ch 593 (AB 2701),s 1, eff. 9/15/2002, op. 1/1/2003.Amended by Stats 2000 ch 923 (AB 2894), s 1, eff. 1/1/2001.