Section 6010.6 - Production services or transfers related to motion pictures(a) Except as provided in subdivision (c), "sale" and "purchase," for the purposes of this part, do not include any of the following:(1) The performance of any qualified production services in connection with the production of all or any part of any qualified motion picture. Persons performing those qualified production services are consumers of paintings, models, and art work used by those filming special effects, titles, or credits, and of film, tape, or other embodiment upon which sound, visual images, or computer-generated graphics are created or recorded, notwithstanding that title to the property may be transferred pursuant to the qualified production services contract.(2) Any transfer of all or any part of any qualified motion picture, or any interest therein or any rights relating thereto, under either of the following circumstances: (A) The transfer is made prior to the date that the qualified motion picture is exhibited or broadcast to its general audience.(B) The transfer is made to any person or persons holding, either directly or indirectly, or by affiliation, any exploitation rights obtained prior to the date that the qualified motion picture is exhibited or broadcast to its general audience.(b) For purposes of this section:(1) "Motion picture" means any audiovisual work (at any stage of the production thereof) consisting of a series of related images, either on film, tape, or other embodiment, whether photographic, or otherwise, and for these purposes, includes all physical materials comprising part of, or synchronized with, the motion picture, including the original, duplicate, and other negatives, intermediary film products, tapes, prints and original, duplicate, and other sound or visual recordings created to accompany the pictorial material depicted in the motion picture.(2) "Produce or production of any qualified motion picture" means to originate, create, invent, design, devise, develop, photograph, edit, record, imprint, adapt, alter, make, process, fabricate, assemble, construct, or manufacture all or any part of that qualified motion picture by any means, method, or devise of any kind or character, whether before or after commencement of principal photography.(3) "Qualified motion picture" means any motion picture, whether or not the production of that motion picture is completely finished, which is produced, adapted, or altered for exploitation in, on, or through any medium or by any device, including, but not limited to, a motion picture produced for exploitation in movie theaters, through any form of television, or videocassettes, videotapes, or videodiscs, in amusement parks, or on commercial carriers, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, for any entertainment, commercial, advertising, promotional, industrial, or educational purpose. Qualified motion picture includes, but is not limited to, all adapted versions thereof (whether adapted for exploitation in any language, for any media, or otherwise) creative advertising, and publicity materials, such as trailers, television spots, or featurettes. Qualified motion picture does not include motion pictures produced for private noncommercial use, such as weddings or graduations.(4) "Qualified production services" means any fabrication performed by any person in any capacity (whether as an employee, agent, independent contractor, or otherwise) on film, tape, or other audiovisual embodiment in connection with the production of all or any part of any qualified motion picture, including, but not limited to, photography, sound, music, special effects, animation, adaptation (language, media, electronic, or otherwise), technological modifications, computer graphics, dubbing, mixing, editing, or cutting services. "Qualified production services" do not include services or other work to manufacture release prints or to duplicate tapes for exhibition or broadcast.(5) "Transfer" means any change of title or possession in any manner or form by any means whatsoever, conditional or otherwise, including, but not limited to, any sale, assignment, exchange, lease, license, or barter.(6) "Rights relating to any qualified motion picture" includes, but is not limited to, any and all rights to produce or exploit all or any part of the qualified motion picture by any means and in or through any medium.(7) "Exploit" or "exploitation" with respect to any qualified motion picture includes, but is not limited to, exhibiting, broadcasting, telecasting, displaying, projecting, transmitting, duplicating, reproducing, distributing, promoting, advertising, commercializing, merchandising, marketing, or otherwise using all or any part of the qualified motion picture in any or all media markets and territories and by any or all means, methods, modes, processes, and devices or delivery systems of every kind and character. "Exploitation" includes each and every act comprising part of any phase of the process of exploiting all or any qualified motion picture, whether before or after commencement of principal photography.(c) Subdivision (a) shall not apply to any of the following:(1) Any sale or purchase of raw film or videotape stock.(2) Any sale or purchase of release prints or tapes for exhibition or broadcast.(3) Any rentals or leases of videocassettes, videotapes, or videodiscs for private use, as described in paragraph (7) of subdivision (g) of Section 6006 and paragraph (7) of subdivision (e) of Section 6010.Ca. Rev. and Tax. Code § 6010.6
Added by Stats. 1988, Ch. 1157, Sec. 1. Effective September 22, 1988.