Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 761 - Order to fix rules, practices, equipment, etc. found unjust, unreasonable, unsafe, etc.
- Section 761.3 - Implementation and enforcement of standards for maintenance and operation of facilities
- Section 761.5 - Participation in centralized credit check system to share information on customers
- Section 762 - Order directing that additions, extensions, repairs, improvements or changes be made to structures
- Section 762.5 - Considerations in making order relating to location of structures
- Section 763 - Order directing railroads to increase number of trains or cars or change time for staring, schedules for running or stopping places
- Section 764 - Electrical corporations with contract for private fire safety and prevention, mitigation, or maintenance services
- Section 764.5 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Prescribed or controlled burns; notice requirements
- Section 765 - Response to NTSB safety recommendation letter concerning rail safety
- Section 765.5 - Appropriate actions to ensure safe operation of railroads
- Section 765.6 - [Renumbered]
- Section 765.7 - [Repealed]
- Section 765.9 - Allocation of federal funds for rail safety inspection and enforcement
- Section 766 - Order requiring connection of lines be made between telephone or telegraph corporations
- Section 766.5 - Investigation of billing practices of telephone corporations
- Section 767 - Order requiring use of public utility's equipment by another public utility
- Section 767.5 - Cable television pole attachments
- Section 767.7 - Compensation for use of utility's right-of-way and easements for installation of fiber optic cable
- Section 768 - Operation in manner to promote and safeguard health and safety of employees and public
- Section 768.5 - Cable television corporation operated in manner promoting and safeguarding health and safety of employees and public
- Section 768.6 - Disaster and emergency preparedness plans
- Section 769 - Distribution resources plan
- Section 769.2 - Construction of renewable electrical generation facilities; prevailing wage
- Section 769.3 - Community renewable energy program
- Section 769.5 - Expedited distribution grid interconnection dispute resolution process
- Section 770 - Standards for measurements of quantity, quality, pressure or other condition pertaining to supply
- Section 771 - Right of entry by commission, officers and employees to make examinations and tests
- Section 772 - Right of consumer or user to have appliance used in measurement of product or service tested
- Section 773 - Inapplicability of section 4200, Government Code
- Section 774 - Immunity of water corporation providing fire protection service
- Section 775 - Sale of fuel oil by electric or gas corporation at price higher than purchase cost
- Section 776 - Performance reliability standards
- Section 776.2 - Resiliency plans for backup electricity for telecommunications infrastructure
- Section 776.5 - Duties of facilities-based mobile telephony services provider to prepare for notifications regarding the deenergization of electrical lines
- Section 777 - Notice to residential occupants in landlord-tenant relationship when account in arrears
- Section 777.1 - Notice to residential occupants of multiunit residential structure receiving service through master meter when account in arrears when owner listed as customer
- Section 778 - Rules and regulations relating to safety appliances and procedures for rail transit
- Section 779 - Termination of residential service
- Section 779.1 - Grace period from date of mailing bill for payment
- Section 779.2 - Delinquent account or other indebtedness owned by customer or subscriber to other person or corporation
- Section 779.3 - Disconnection of service for customer receiving medical baseline allowance
- Section 779.4 - Cooperation of energy utilities with outreach programs
- Section 779.5 - Deposit by new residential applicant before establishing account and furnishing service
- Section 779.6 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Restoration of service terminated for nonpayment
- Section 779.7 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Determining whether to direct electrical corporations to consider customer's ability to pay
- Section 780 - Termination of service on Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, etc.
- Section 780.5 - Individual meter for electric and gas service in multiunit residential structures
- Section 781 - Installation of water meters by water corporations
- Section 781.5 - Water meters installed by water corporations furnishing potable water
- Section 782 - Curtailing electricity by electric corporation from geothermal powerplant operated by geothermal energy producer prohibited
- Section 783 - Rules governing extensions of service to new residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial customers
- Section 783.5 - Access to affordable energy in disadvantaged communities
- Section 784 - Pipeline access rules to ensure nondiscriminatory open access
- Section 784.1 - Study for issues related to for biomethane injected into common carrier gas pipelines
- Section 784.2 - Modification of monetary incentive program for biomethane projects
- Section 785 - Increased production of gas in state encouraged including production along outer continental shelf
- Section 785.1 - Tariffs and conditions of service assessing shippers of gas produced in state for costs of interstate transmission of gas produced out of state eliminated
- Section 785.2 - Investigation of impediments to in-state production and storage of natural gas
- Section 785.5 - Adoption by gas corporations of procurement practices assuring lowest rates
- Section 785.7 - Charging higher rate for transportation of gas produced in state than transportation of gas from other source prohibited
- Section 786 - List of residential telephone services provided; description of public telephone services; billing statements to show charges in response to rules and regulations of FCC
- Section 787 - Backfill of permitted excavation in public road or highway with native soil
- Section 788 - Notice issued subscribers by telephone corporation provider of local exchange service