Section 5720 - Allocation of grant funds(a) The grant funds authorized for the program shall be allocated to counties, cities, and districts on the basis of their populations, as determined by the Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Department of Finance on the basis of the most recent verifiable census data and such other population data as the Department of Parks and Recreation may require to be furnished by any county, city, or district.(b) Forty percent of the total funds available for grants shall be allocated to counties and regional park, open-space, or park and open-space districts formed pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 5500). Each county's allocation shall be in the same ratio as the county's population is to the state's total population, except that each county shall be entitled to a minimum allocation of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). In any county that embraces all or part of the territory of a regional park, open-space, or park and open-space district whose board of directors is not the county board of supervisors, the amount allocated to the county shall be apportioned between the county and the regional district in proportion to the population of the county that is included within the territory of the regional district and the population of the county that is outside the territory of the regional district.(c)(1) Sixty percent of the total funds available for grants shall be allocated to cities and districts, other than regional park, open-space, or park and open-space districts. Each city's and each such district's allocation shall be in the same ratio as the city's or district's population is to the combined total of the state's population that is included in incorporated areas and in unincorporated areas within districts, except that each city or district shall be entitled to a minimum allocation of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). In any instance in which the boundary of a city overlaps the boundary of a district, the population in the area of overlapping jurisdictions shall be attributed to each jurisdiction in proportion to the extent to which each operates and manages parks and recreational areas and facilities for that population. In any instance in which the boundary of a city overlaps the boundary of a district, and in the area of overlap the city does not operate and manage parks and recreational areas and facilities, all grant funds shall be allocated to the district.(2) Each city and other district whose boundaries overlap, shall develop a specific plan for allocating the grant funds in accordance with the formula specified in paragraph (1). If, by October 1, 1986, the plan has not been agreed to by the affected jurisdictions and submitted to the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Director of Parks and Recreation shall determine the allocation of the grant funds among the affected jurisdictions.Ca. Pub. Res. Code § 5720
Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 5, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 43 at the June 3, 1986, election. Operative July 1, 1986, by Stats. 1986, Ch. 5, Sec. 2.