Article 3 - PARKS
- Section 5150 - Power to assist state in acquiring
- Section 5151 - Donation, conveyance or grant of real property to state
- Section 5152 - Relinquishment of control of roads, trails to authority managing state park
- Section 5153 - Relinquishment by resolution
- Section 5155 - Expenditure for payment of bond principal and interest or special assessment
- Section 5156 - Funds from which expenditures made
- Section 5157 - Acquisition of lands for parks, beaches, recreation areas or boulevards
- Section 5157.5 - Construction of works for prevention of beach erosion or restoration of eroded beaches
- Section 5158 - Acceptance of donations by commissioners of public park
- Section 5159 - Investment of funds by park commissioners
- Section 5160 - Dedication of public park for county highway purposes
- Section 5161 - Sale or exchange of land owned within state historical monument
- Section 5162 - Beach or seashore recreation area open to all members of public
- Section 5163 - Certificate that person seeking employment examined and found free of communicable tuberculosis
- Section 5163.1 - Examination for tuberculosis
- Section 5163.2 - X-ray taken by qualified X-ray technician
- Section 5163.3 - File containing certification
- Section 5163.4 - More extensive or more frequent examinations
- Section 5164 - Convictions prohibiting employment