Section 5842 - Adoption of American River Parkway Plan; land use decisions(a) The Legislature hereby adopts the American River Parkway Plan so as to provide coordination with local agencies in the protection and management of the diverse and valuable natural land, water, native wildlife, and vegetation of the American River Parkway.(b) Actions of state and local agencies with regard to land use decisions shall be consistent with the American River Parkway Plan, subject to the following provisions: (1) This chapter does not impair the authority and responsibilities of state or local public agencies in maintaining and operating the flood channel, levees, and pump stations, except that these operations, as nearly as practicable, shall be consistent with the American River Parkway Plan.(2) This chapter does not affect the existing authority of the City of Sacramento to conduct or settle litigation involving the validity or application of the American River Parkway Plan.(3) This chapter does not prohibit the reasonable expansion of the water treatment facility operated by the City of Sacramento.(4) This chapter does not impair the authority and responsibilities of state agencies in managing the California Exposition flood plain or Bushy Lake area pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 5830).(5) This chapter does not affect the exercise of existing water rights.(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the Legislature finds and declares that Chapter 10 of the American River Parkway Plan, titled Area Plans, which consists of maps, policies, and narrative, may be amended through a local amendment process. However, Area Plans may be amended only to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the state-adopted Area Plan policies contained in Chapter 2 of the American River Parkway Plan. The Legislature recognizes that amendments to Area Plans shall be carried out by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in accordance with the public hearing process described in Chapter 11 of the American River Parkway Plan, titled Implementation, and recognizes the roles and responsibilities of public agencies set forth in the public hearing process including coordination with the city councils of the Cities of Sacramento and Rancho Cordova.Ca. Pub. Res. Code § 5842
Amended by Stats 2010 ch 328 (SB 1330),s 195, eff. 1/1/2011.Amended by Stats 2009 ch 482 (AB 889),s 6, eff. 10/11/2009.