Section 5841 - Definitions(a) "American River Parkway Plan" means the revised, updated management plans for the lower American River adopted by the County of Sacramento on September 10, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-0946, and by the City of Sacramento on November 6, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-731, and endorsed by the City of Rancho Cordova on September 15, 2008, by Resolution No. 110-2008.(b) "Lower American River" means that portion of the American River between Nimbus Dam and the confluence of the American River with the Sacramento River and the adjacent lands as described in the American River Parkway Plan.(c) "American River Parkway" means the area described in the American River Parkway Plan.Ca. Pub. Res. Code § 5841
Amended by Stats 2009 ch 482 (AB 889),s 4, eff. 10/11/2009.