- Section 5020 - Historical Landmarks Advisory Committee continued as State Historical Resources Commission
- Section 5020.1 - Definitions
- Section 5020.2 - Commission members
- Section 5020.3 - Commission meetings; chairperson and vice chairperson; salary and expenses
- Section 5020.4 - Duties of commission
- Section 5020.5 - Archaeological sites; archaeological specimens
- Section 5020.6 - State Historic Preservation Officer
- Section 5020.7 - Responsibilities carried out in manner to elicit cooperation of owners of resources
- Section 5021 - Registration of historical landmarks and points of historical interest
- Section 5022 - Plaques, markers and directional signs
- Section 5022.5 - Sign designating location of point of historical interest
- Section 5022.6 - Markers and plaques erected at registered historical landmarks
- Section 5023 - Duty to keep in repair objects or markers
- Section 5024 - Preservation of historical resources by state agencies
- Section 5024.1 - California Register of Historical Resources
- Section 5024.5 - State agency action adversely affecting listed historical resource
- Section 5024.6 - State Office of Historic Preservation
- Section 5025 - California City Museum and Restoration Facility state aviation museum
- Section 5025.11 - Certification and marking historic routes
- Section 5025.12 - Placement of markers along certified routes
- Section 5025.2 - Duty to keep in repair historic route markers
- Section 5025.3 - Old Governor's Mansion State Historic Park
- Section 5026 - Comments by city council or county board of supervisors on application for entry in National Register of Historic Places
- Section 5027 - Building listed on National Register transferred from state ownership to other public agency
- Section 5027.1 - Demolition of Transbay Terminal building
- Section 5028 - Demolition, destruction or alternation of listed structure
- Section 5029 - Recordation of certified resolution establishing historical resources designation
- Section 5029.5 - Deposit of revenues collected by Department of Transportation in Historic Property Maintenance Fund
- Section 5029.6 - Land known as Nuestra Senora Reina de La Paz
- Section 5029.7 - Applicability to certain projects at San Quentin