- Section 3600 - Generally
- Section 3601 - Outer boundary line where several contiguous parcels operated as single lease or operating unit
- Section 3602 - Parcel of land containing one or more acres but less than 250 feet in width
- Section 3602.1 - Parcel containing one or more acres and hydrocarbons too heavy or viscous to produce by normal means
- Section 3602.2 - Determining area of parcels
- Section 3603 - Alley not public street or road
- Section 3604 - Separate nuisance
- Section 3605 - Inapplicability of chapter
- Section 3606 - Parcel containing one or more acres and surface unavailable for surface location of wells
- Section 3606.1 - 150 foot restriction applicable to wells drilled and producing from same zone or pool
- Section 3607 - Street or highway opened through field
- Section 3608 - Land aggregating less than one acre surrounded by lands subject to lease aggregating one acre or more
- Section 3608.1 - Recording quitclaim by owner or operator of leasehold
- Section 3609 - Adoption of well spacing plan other than specified in provisions