- Section 33200 - Established; members; chairperson and vice chairperson; compensation and expenses
- Section 33200.1 - Legislative members to meet and participate in conservancy activities
- Section 33200.5 - Secretary of Natural Resources not conferred with authority to approve or deny projects proposed by conservancy except pursuant to membership
- Section 33201 - Prime responsibility of State Coastal Conservancy; responsibility of Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
- Section 33202 - Authority to apply for grants
- Section 33202.5 - Property acquired to address or resolve encroachment
- Section 33203 - Acquisition of property; eminent domain
- Section 33203.1 - Notice of proposed acquisition by eminent domain
- Section 33203.5 - Acquisition and improvement within zone upon finding action consistent with plan; review of proposal by State Coastal Conservancy
- Section 33204 - Authority to make award grants and make interest-free loans
- Section 33204.2 - Grants to nonprofit organizations qualified as exempt
- Section 33204.27 - Grants to school districts
- Section 33204.3 - Coordinated trail development plan and recreational access program for Rim of the Valley Trail Corridor
- Section 33204.4 - Rim of the Valley Trail Corridor boundary revision
- Section 33204.5 - Program to provide recreational access from downtown Los Angeles and inner city to zone
- Section 33204.7 - Fryman Canyon transferred to conservancy
- Section 33204.8 - Changes in boundaries of the Rim of the Valley Trail Corridor
- Section 33205 - Time limit on holding of lands by conservancy; acquisition of lands by city, county, recreation and park district, etc.
- Section 33205.5 - Transfer of Stunt Ranch, Upper Temescal Canyon and Arroyo Sequit property
- Section 33206 - Lease of lands acquired; transfer of gross income to county in which lands situated
- Section 33207 - Areas offered for open-space dedication or trail easement or tax delinquent lands offered for sale
- Section 33207.1 - Waiver of section 33207(b) at request of city or county
- Section 33207.5 - Waiver and release of conservancy's right, title or interest to purchase Los Angeles Unified School District property
- Section 33207.6 - Exchange of property by conservancy with Las Virgenes Unified School District
- Section 33207.7 - Proceeds from sale of excess properties spent for open-space purposes
- Section 33208 - Annual report to governor and Legislature
- Section 33209 - Project plan required of projects submitted for funding
- Section 33210 - Amendment of plan
- Section 33211 - Gifts, donations or bequests or grants of fund; contracts for professional services; all other things necessary; sue and be sued
- Section 33211.5 - Conditions of use applicable to property owned or managed by conservancy
- Section 33211.6 - Dumping refuse; injuring, defacing or destroying property; violation of posted conditions on use of property
- Section 33212 - Executive director
- Section 33213 - Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Advisory Committee created; members; duties
- Section 33214 - Health and Safety Code provisions applicable
- Section 33215 - Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Fund
- Section 33216 - [Repealed]