"Without limiting any of its other remedies, the commission may, for recipient's noncompliance of any financial incentive requirement, withhold future payments, demand and be entitled to repayment of past reimbursements, or suspend or terminate this financial incentive. The tasks in the scope of work are not severable, and completion of all of them is material to this financial incentive. Another material aspect of this financial incentive is that the recipient shall be a California-headquartered company for the entire term of the financial incentive and an additional 10 years. Thus, the commission, without limiting its other remedies, is entitled to repayment of all funds paid to recipient if the recipient does not timely complete all tasks in the scope of work or is not a California-headquartered company at any time during the financial incentive period and an additional 10 years."
Ca. Pub. Res. Code § 25625.2