Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 21080 - Zoning ordinances, zoning variances, conditional use permits and tentative subdivision maps applied to discretionary projects; exemptions
- Section 21080.01 - Inapplicability to California Men's Colony West Facility in San Luis Obispo county
- Section 21080.02 - Inapplicability to new prison facility at Corcoran in Kings County
- Section 21080.03 - Inapplicability to prison in Kings County
- Section 21080.04 - Applicability to passenger rail service on line paralleling State Highway 29
- Section 21080.05 - Inapplicability to project to lease or purchase rail right-of-way used for San Francisco Peninsula commute
- Section 21080.07 - Inapplicability to prison facilities in Riverside and Del Norte Counties
- Section 21080.08 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.09 - Long range development plan on campus
- Section 21080.1 - Responsibility for determining whether environmental impact report, negative or mitigated negative declaration required
- Section 21080.2 - Time for making determination
- Section 21080.3 - Consultation with responsible agencies or trustee agencies
- Section 21080.3.1 - California Native American tribes' expertise concerning tribal cultural resources
- Section 21080.3.2 - Consultation pursuant to section 21080.3.1
- Section 21080.4 - Determination that environmental impact report required
- Section 21080.5 - Plan or other documentation submitted in lieu of environmental impact report
- Section 21080.7 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.8 - Conversion of rental mobilehome park
- Section 21080.9 - Adoption of local coastal program or long-range land use development plan
- Section 21080.10 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Extension of time for adoption of city or county general plan; residential housing for low or moderate income persons or families
- Section 21080.10 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Extension of time for adoption of city or county general plan; residential housing for low or moderate income persons or families
- Section 21080.11 - Settlements of title and boundary problems by State Lands Commission
- Section 21080.12 - Applicability of division
- Section 21080.13 - Railroad grade separation project
- Section 21080.14 - [Effective until 1/1/2025] Railroad grade crossing by order of Public Utilities Commission
- Section 21080.16 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.17 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Ordinance to implement sections 65852.1 or Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 13, Article 2
- Section 21080.17 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Ordinance to implement sections 65852.1 or Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 13, Article 2 or Article 3
- Section 21080.18 - Closing of public school or transfer of students from one public school to another
- Section 21080.19 - Restriping of streets and highways to relieve congestion
- Section 21080.20 - [Effective until 1/1/2030] Bicycle transportation plan for urbanized area
- Section 21080.20.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.21 - Installation or repair of pipeline within street or highway or public right-of-way
- Section 21080.22 - Preparation of general plan amendments
- Section 21080.23 - Inspection, maintenance, repair, relocation, replacement or removal of pipeline
- Section 21080.23.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.24 - Issuance, modification or renewal of permits by air pollution control district or air quality management district
- Section 21080.25 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Projects exempted from division
- Section 21080.25 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2030] Projects exempted from division
- Section 21080.26 - Minor alterations of utilities to comply with Health and Safety Code
- Section 21080.27 - [Effective until 1/1/2030] Applicability of Division; repealer
- Section 21080.27.5 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Applicability of division
- Section 21080.28 - Inapplicability of division
- Section 21080.28.5 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2030] Applicability of division to public access within a park
- Section 21080.29 - Construction of bridge over adjacent Ballona Channel in Los Angeles County
- Section 21080.30 - Inapplicability of division
- Section 21080.31 - [Effective until 1/1/2028] Exemptions regarding water system well and domestic well projects
- Section 21080.32 - Publicly owned transit agencies with financial emergency caused by inadequate revenues to fund agency programs
- Section 21080.33 - Emergency project to maintain, repair or restore highway
- Section 21080.34 - Carrying out or approving project
- Section 21080.35 - Installation of solar energy system of on roof of building or parking lot
- Section 21080.37 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.40 - [Effective Until 1/1/2033] California Environmental Quality Act exemption
- Section 21080.41 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.42 - Exempt transportation projects
- Section 21080.45 - [Repealed]
- Section 21080.46 - Ordinance limiting or prohibiting drilling of groundwater wells or prohibiting increased extractions
- Section 21080.47 - [Effective until 1/1/2028] Projects exempted from division
- Section 21080.50 - Exemption for interim motel housing project
- Section 21080.51 - Project requirements
- Section 21080.56 - [Effective until 1/1/2030] Eligible projects
- Section 21080.58 - [Effective Until 1/1/2025] University housing development project exemption
- Section 21080.58 - [Effective 1/1/2025] [Effective until 1/1/2032] University housing development project exemption
- Section 21080.61 - [Effective until 1/1/2030] Exemption for routine maintenance certain public stormwater facilities
- Section 21081 - Environmental impact report identifying effects on environment if project approved or carried out
- Section 21081.2 - City or county not required make findings regarding impact of residential project on traffic
- Section 21081.3 - [Effective until 1/1/2029] Consideration of aesthetic effects
- Section 21081.5 - Finding based on substantial evidence in record
- Section 21081.6 - Requirements when making findings required by section 21081 or adopting mitigated negative declaration
- Section 21081.7 - Submission of transportation information resulting from reporting or monitoring program
- Section 21082 - Duty to adopt objective, criteria and procedures for evaluation of projects
- Section 21082.1 - Preparation of report or declaration by public agency
- Section 21082.2 - Significant effect on environment based on substantial evidence in light of whole record
- Section 21082.3 - Mitigation measures agreed upon in consultation pursuant to section 21080.3.2
- Section 21082.4 - Evaluation of projects; consideration of benefits and negative impacts
- Section 21083 - Guidelines for implementation of division by public agencies
- Section 21083.01 - Amendment of guidelines for inclusion of questions relating to fire hazard impacts of project
- Section 21083.05 - Guidelines updated for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
- Section 21083.1 - Division or guidelines not interpreted to impose requirements beyond those stated in division and guidelines
- Section 21083.2 - Significant impact on archaeological resources
- Section 21083.3 - Parcel zoned or designated in community plan to accommodate particular density of development; development project consistent with general plan
- Section 21083.4 - Conversion of oak woodlands will have significant effect on environment
- Section 21083.5 - Statement or report submitted in lieu of environmental impact report required by division
- Section 21083.6 - Request to waive time limits if project requires environmental impact report and environmental impact statement
- Section 21083.7 - Use of environmental impact statement as environmental impact report
- Section 21083.8 - [Repealed]
- Section 21083.8.1 - Determination that military base reuse plan may have significant effect on environment
- Section 21083.09 - Revisions to guidelines concerning tribal cultural resources
- Section 21083.9 - Scoping meeting required
- Section 21084 - Guidelines to include classes of projects exempt from division
- Section 21084.1 - Project may cause substantial adverse change in significance of historical resource
- Section 21084.2 - Project may cause substantial adverse change in significance of tribal cultural resource
- Section 21084.3 - Mitigation measures to avoid or minimize significant adverse impacts to tribal cultural resource
- Section 21085 - Noise impact: residential projects
- Section 21085.2 - When alternatives to location of residential or mixed-use housing project not required
- Section 21085.7 - [Repealed]
- Section 21086 - Request for addition or deletion of list of exempt projects
- Section 21088 - Distribution of guidelines and amendments to public agencies
- Section 21089 - Fees charge person proposing project to recover costs in preparing declaration or report
- Section 21090 - Environmental impact report for redevelopment plan
- Section 21090.1 - Geothermal exploratory project separate from subsequent geothermal field development project
- Section 21091 - Public review period for draft environmental impact report; proposed negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration
- Section 21091.5 - Public review period for draft report for project involving expansion of publicly owned airport
- Section 21092 - Public notice required by lead agency preparing report or declaration or making determination
- Section 21092.1 - Notice when significant new information added to report
- Section 21092.2 - Notices mailed to persons requesting notices
- Section 21092.3 - Posting of notices on office of county clerk
- Section 21092.4 - Consultation with transportation planning agencies and public agencies with transportation facilities affected by project
- Section 21092.5 - Written proposed response by lead agency to comments made by public agency
- Section 21092.6 - Determining whether project located on site included in list compiled pursuant to section 65962.5, Government Code
- Section 21093 - Tiering of environmental impact reports
- Section 21094 - Examination of significant effects of later project by using tiered environmental impact report
- Section 21094.5 - Approval of infill project if environmental impact report certified for planning level decision by city or county
- Section 21094.5.5 - Guidelines for implementation of section 21094.5
- Section 21095 - Guidelines amendment to provide that significant effects of agricultural land conversions considered in environmental review process
- Section 21096 - Preparing report for project situated within airport land use compatibility plan boundaries
- Section 21097 - Applicability to certain projects at San Quentin
- Section 21098 - Notices to military if project within boundaries of low-level flight path, military impact zone or special use airspace