- Section 10840 - Increase or decrease work under unit basis contract
- Section 10841 - Contract provision for performing extra work
- Section 10842 - Extension of time for completion
- Section 10843 - Failure to prosecute work with diligence and force specified by contract
- Section 10844 - Failure to timely remedy defaults
- Section 10845 - Completion of work upon termination of contractor's control
- Section 10846 - Awarding informal contracts
- Section 10847 - Provisions inapplicable to informal contracts
- Section 10848 - Payment to contractor upon completion of work performed by day's labor or informal contract
- Section 10849 - Return to original contractor of unused materials, equipment, tools and appliances
- Section 10850 - Services of required notices
- Section 10851 - Progress payments; retention until final completion
- Section 10852 - Deposit of securities into escrow account
- Section 10853 - Failure to timely make progress payments; duties upon receipt of payment request