Cal. Pen. Code § 11112.2
The department shall develop a master plan recommending the type, number, and location of equipment necessary to implement RAN. The department shall also develop policy guidelines and administrative procedures to facilitate the implementation and use of RAN. The RAN master plan shall include reasonable interface specifications to access Cal-ID and shall be provided to any supplier of automated fingerprint identification systems interested in bidding on RAN by May 15, 1986.
The master plan shall provide for the use of facsimile and direct image "live read" fingerprint equipment under RAN, including point-of-booking terminals.
The department shall amend the master plan to include additional processing, matching, and communications equipment at the Department of Justice, and to recommend the type, number, and location of equipment necessary to implement facsimile and direct image "live read" fingerprint equipment as part of RAN, including point-of-booking terminals. Funding shall be on a shared basis between the state and a region pursuant to Section 11112.5.
Ca. Pen. Code § 11112.2