- Section 1700.23 - Contracts forms submitted to commissioner for approval; referral of controversy relating to contract terms for adjustment
- Section 1700.24 - Schedule of fees file with commissioner
- Section 1700.25 - Funds received on behalf of artist
- Section 1700.26 - Records
- Section 1700.27 - Inspection of books and records by commissioner
- Section 1700.28 - Posting copy of chapter
- Section 1700.29 - Rules and regulations
- Section 1700.30 - Sale or transfer of interest in or right to participate in profits
- Section 1700.31 - Contract term or condition in violation of law
- Section 1700.32 - False, fraudulent or misleading information; advertisements
- Section 1700.33 - Sending artist to place where health, safety and welfare adversely affected
- Section 1700.34 - Sending minor to place where intoxicating liquor sold or consumed
- Section 1700.35 - Permitting persons of bad character to frequent place of business
- Section 1700.36 - Accepting application by minor or placing minor in employment
- Section 1700.37 - Contracts with minors approved by superior court
- Section 1700.38 - Securing employment in place where labor trouble exists
- Section 1700.39 - Dividing fees
- Section 1700.40 - Collection of registration fee; referring artist to person in which agency has financial interest
- Section 1700.41 - Reimbursement to artist sent beyond city limits and employment not available
- Section 1700.44 - Referral of dispute to commissioner
- Section 1700.45 - Contract provision providing for arbitration of disputes
- Section 1700.47 - Refusal to represent artist on account of race, color, creed, etc.