Cal. Health & Saf. Code § 40724.6

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 40724.6 - Large confined animal facility
(a) On or before July 1, 2005, the state board shall review all available scientific information, including, but not limited to, emissions factors for confined animal facilities, and the effect of those facilities on air quality in the basin and other relevant scientific information, and develop a definition for the source category of a "large confined animal facility" for the purposes of this section. In developing that definition, the state board shall consider the emissions of air contaminants from those sources as they may affect the attainment and maintenance of ambient air quality standards.
(b) Not later than July 1, 2006, each district that is designated as a federal nonattainment area for ozone as of January 1, 2004, shall adopt, implement, and submit for inclusion in the state implementation plan, a rule or regulation that requires the owner or operator of a large confined animal facility, as defined by the state board pursuant to subdivision (a), to obtain a permit from the district to reduce, to the extent feasible, emissions of air contaminants from the facility.
(c) A district may require a permit for a large confined animal facility with actual emissions that are less than one-half of any applicable emissions threshold for a major source in the district for any air contaminant, including, but not limited to, fugitive emissions in a manner similar to other source categories, if prior to imposing that requirement the district makes both of the following determinations in a public hearing:
(1) A permit is necessary to impose or enforce reductions in emissions of air pollutants that the district show cause or contribute to a violation of a state or federal ambient air quality standard.
(2) The requirement for a source or category of sources to obtain a permit would not impose a burden on those sources that is significantly more burdensome than permits required for other similar sources of air pollution.
(d) The rule or regulation adopted pursuant to subdivision (b) shall do all of the following:
(1) Require the owner or operator of each large confined animal facility to submit an application for a permit within six months from the date the rule or regulation is adopted by the district that includes both of the following:
(A) The information that the district determines is necessary to prepare an emissions inventory of all regulated air pollutants emitted from the operation, including, but not limited to, precursor and fugitive emissions, using emission factors approved by the state board in a public hearing.
(B) An emissions mitigation plan that demonstrates that the facility will use reasonably available control technology in moderate and serious nonattainment areas, and best available retrofit control technology in severe and extreme nonattainment areas, to reduce emissions of pollutants that contribute to the nonattainment of any ambient air quality standard, and that are within the district's regulatory authority.
(2) Require the district to act upon an application for permit submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) within six months of a completed application, as determined by the district.
(3) Require the owner or operator to implement the plan contained in the permit approved by the district, and establish a reasonable period, of not more than three years, after which each permit shall be reviewed by the district and updated to reflect changes in the operation or the feasibility of mitigation measures. The updates required by this paragraph are not required to be submitted for inclusion into the state implementation plan.
(4) Establish a reasonable compliance schedule for facilities to implement control measures within one year of the date on which the permit is approved by the district, and shall provide for 30 days' public notice and comment on any draft permit.
(e) Prior to adopting a rule or regulation pursuant to subdivision (b), a district shall, to the extent data are available, perform an assessment of the impact of the rule or regulation. The district shall consider the impacts of the rule or regulation in a public hearing, and make a good faith effort to minimize any adverse impacts. The assessment shall include all of the following:
(1) The category of sources affected, including, but not limited to, the approximate number of affected sources, and the size of those sources.
(2) The nature and quantity of emissions from the category, and the significance of those emissions in adversely affecting public health and the environment and in causing or contributing to the violation of a state or federal ambient air quality standard.
(3) The emission reduction potential.
(4) The impact on employment in, and the economy of, the region affected.
(5) The range of probable costs to affected sources and businesses.
(6) The availability and cost-effectiveness of alternatives.
(7) The technical and practical feasibility.
(8) Any additional information on impacts that is submitted to the district board for consideration.
(f) Nothing in this section shall delay or otherwise affect any action taken by a district to reduce emissions of air contaminants from agricultural sources, or any other requirements imposed on a district or a source of air pollution pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 7401 et seq.).
(g) In adopting a rule or regulation pursuant to this section, a district shall comply with all applicable requirements of this division, including, but not limited to, the requirements established pursuant to Sections 40703, 40727, and 40728.5.
(h) A permitholder may appeal any district determination or decision required by this section pursuant to Section 42302.1, in addition to any other applicable remedy provided by law.
(i) Nothing in this section authorizes a district to adopt a rule or regulation that is duplicative of a rule or regulation adopted pursuant to Sections 40724 and 40724.5.
(j) Nothing in this section limits the authority of a district to regulate a source, including, but not limited to, a stationary source that is an agricultural source over which it otherwise has jurisdiction pursuant to this division or the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 7401 et seq.) or any rules or regulations adopted pursuant to that act. Nothing in this section shall delay or otherwise affect any action taken by a district to reduce emissions of air contaminants from agricultural sources, or any other requirements imposed upon a district or a source of air pollution pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act. This section may not be interpreted to delay or otherwise affect adoption, implementation, or enforcement of any measure that was adopted, or included in a rulemaking calendar or air quality implementation plan that was adopted, by the district prior to January 1, 2004.

Ca. Health and Saf. Code § 40724.6

Amended by Stats 2004 ch 183 (AB 3082), s 219, eff. 1/1/2005.
Added by Stats 2003 ch 479 (SB 700), s 6, eff. 1/1/2004.