Cal. Health & Saf. Code § 13164
Application for a license to engage in the business of, or perform for a fee, the servicing, charging, or testing of portable fire extinguishers shall be made in writing to the State Fire Marshal on forms provided by him and shall be accompanied by the fees prescribed in this chapter. A separate application for license shall be made for each separate place of business location of the applicant for license.
The application shall be signed by the applicant. If the application is made by a partnership, it shall be signed by each partner. If the application is made by a corporation or association other than a partnership, it shall be signed by the principal officer thereof and, in the case of applications by corporations, bear the seal of the corporation. The application shall also include written authorization by the applicant permitting the State Fire Marshal and any of his properly authorized employees to enter, examine and inspect any premises, building, room, or establishment used by the applicant in servicing, charging, or testing portable fire extinguishers to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the regulations and standards adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to Section 13160.
Ca. Health and Saf. Code § 13164