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- Section 13100.1 - Functions of office
- Section 13101 - Appointment; salary
- Section 13103 - Appointment of assistant or deputy state fire marshals; functions of peace officers
- Section 13104 - Duties of state fire marshal
- Section 13104.5 - Abatement of fire hazards on state property
- Section 13104.6 - Fire hazard on property deeded to state for taxes
- Section 13105 - Adoption of fire prevention measures; dissemination of information
- Section 13105.2 - Statewide hazardous materials training facility
- Section 13105.5 - Fire prevention training for fire prevention inspectors
- Section 13105.6 - Curriculum for livestock producers eligible for livestock pass program
- Section 13105.7 - Testing laboratory fees
- Section 13106 - Protection of property affected by fire
- Section 13107 - Arson investigation and detection
- Section 13107.5 - Investigation of break, explosion or fire involving pipeline
- Section 13108 - Building standards
- Section 13108.1 - Review of flammability standards for insulation materials
- Section 13108.5 - Fire protection building standards for roofs, exterior walls, structure projections, and structure openings in fire hazard severity zones
- Section 13108.5.1 - Building standards; fire resistance; occupancy risk categories
- Section 13108.5.2 - Report on building standards for single-exit, single stairway apartment houses
- Section 13108.6 - Regulations specifying access to roof areas of commercial establishments
- Section 13108.9 - Regulations requiring public address system
- Section 13109 - Entry of buildings
- Section 13110 - Regulations
- Section 13110.3 - [Effective 1/1/2025] State Fire Marshal to propose updates to standards relating to lithium-based battery systems
- Section 13110.5 - Statistical information of fires, medical aid incidents, and hazardous materials incidents
- Section 13110.7 - Registry of burn injuries and deaths
- Section 13111 - Model ordinance establishing uniform schedules and rates for assessments for fire suppression services
- Section 13111.1 - Expenditures
- Section 13111.3 - Loan program for installation of automatic sprinkler systems or detectors
- Section 13112 - Violations
- Section 13112.1 - Deposit of fines and forfeitures
- Section 13112.2 - Deposit of revenue collected
- Section 13113 - Requirement of automatic sprinkler system
- Section 13113.5 - Regulations requiring installation of automatic fire devices activated by products of combustion other than heat
- Section 13113.6 - Announcement of availability of emergency exits
- Section 13113.7 - Installation of smoke alarms
- Section 13113.8 - Requirement of operable smoke alarm
- Section 13113.9 - Regulations for labeling and packaging of burglar bars
- Section 13113.95 - [Repealed]
- Section 13114 - Regulations and standards to control quality and installation of fire alarm systems and fire alarm devices
- Section 13114.1 - Distribution of materials about dangers of illegal burglar bars
- Section 13114.2 - Burglar bars and safety release mechanisms for emergency escape/rescue windows or doors
- Section 13114.3 - Installation of burglar bars at residential dwelling owned or leased by public agency
- Section 13114.5 - Ordinances dealing with automatic sprinkler systems or fire alarm systems or devices
- Section 13114.7 - Backflow protection equipment not required
- Section 13115 - Tents, awnings, or other fabric enclosures
- Section 13116 - Regulations establishing minimum requirements for prevention of fire and panic in connection with use of tents, awnings or other fabric enclosures
- Section 13117 - Approval of new detector or new automatic high pressure shutoff device
- Section 13118 - Labeling of solvents; violation
- Section 13119 - Unlawful use of drapes or other decorative materials
- Section 13120 - Minimum standard requirements and regulations regarding flame-retardant chemicals and flame-retardant treated fabric or materials
- Section 13121 - Testing of flame-retardant chemical fabric or material
- Section 13122 - List of flame-retardant chemicals, fabrics or materials, and application
- Section 13123 - Removal from list
- Section 13124 - Restoration to approved list
- Section 13125 - New application required for restoration to list
- Section 13126 - Regulations establishing minimum standards and specific procedures for approval to appear on list
- Section 13127 - Application to appear on list; fees
- Section 13128 - Annual and renewal registration fee period
- Section 13129 - Removal from list for failure to pay renewal registration fee
- Section 13130 - Deposit of money collected
- Section 13131 - "Nonambulatory persons" defined
- Section 13131.5 - Applicable building standards to building housing nonambulatory persons
- Section 13132 - Statement regarding whether mentally handicapped patient is ambulatory or nonambulatory person
- Section 13132.7 - Roof in very high fire hazard severity zone
- Section 13133 - Regulations establishing new occupancy classifications and specific fire safety standards appropriate for residential facilities and residential care facilities for elderly
- Section 13135 - Regulations for alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities