Article 1 - GENERAL
- Section 51500 - Authority to transfer functions
- Section 51501 - Transfer of duties of city treasurer, assessor and tax collector
- Section 51502 - Filing copy of ordinance transferring duties of assessor and tax collector
- Section 51503 - Filing copy of ordinance transferring duties of treasurer
- Section 51504 - Assessments made by county assessor bases for levying city taxes
- Section 51505 - Service of copies or ordinance repealing transfer of treasurer's duties
- Section 51506 - Abolition of office of city assessor, tax collector and treasurer
- Section 51507 - Transfer of duties performed by city assessor
- Section 51508 - City legislative body to fix amount of revenue necessary to support departments
- Section 51510 - Statement transmitted to city showing total value of property within city
- Section 51511 - City legislative body to fix rate or rates of taxes
- Section 51512 - Entering city tax on property in assessment book
- Section 51513 - Collection and payment of taxes to city
- Section 51514 - Compensation paid to county for assessing and collecting taxes
- Section 51515 - Compensation for services of county treasurer
- Section 51516 - Redemption of property sold to city for nonpayment of taxes
- Section 51517 - Enforcement of collection of unpaid taxes levied on property in city
- Section 51518 - Apportionment to city of money paid for redemption
- Section 51519 - Consolidation of other county and city offices
- Section 51520 - Performing assessment and collection without compensation
- Section 51521 - Payment of collected delinquent taxes to city