Cal. Gov. Code § 26614
The board of supervisors of a county may authorize the sheriff to search for and rescue persons who are lost or are in danger of their lives within or in the immediate vicinity of the county. The expense incurred by the sheriff in the performance of those duties shall be a proper county charge. Authorization for search and rescue activities shall be consistent with guidelines and operating plans contained in the Search and Rescue Model Operating Plan, as developed and adopted by the Office of Emergency Services in consultation with fire protection and law enforcement service providers. The Office of Emergency Services shall make the plan available to counties and fire protection and law enforcement agencies for use and adoption by the board of supervisors and the governing boards of all search and rescue providers. If the board assigns responsibility for search and rescue activities in a manner that is inconsistent with these model operating guidelines, the board shall adopt a resolution to clarify why the local model provides better protections than the Search and Rescue Model Operating Plan, as developed by the Office of Emergency Services, to residents in need of county search and rescue services. Counties are encouraged to adopt their countywide search and rescue plans and to review them on a regular basis. A review of a countywide search and rescue plan shall include, but is not limited to, changes made to the Search and Rescue Model Operating Plan by the Office of Emergency Services. This section shall not be construed to vest any additional powers for search and rescue upon sheriffs or any other public safety agency that provides search and rescue.
Ca. Gov. Code § 26614