Article 1 - GENERAL
- Section 11340 - Legislative intent
- Section 11340.1 - Reduction of unnecessary regulations
- Section 11340.2 - Office of administrative law established; director; deputy director
- Section 11340.3 - Employment of professional assistants, clerical and other employees
- Section 11340.4 - Duties; access to records and information
- Section 11340.5 - Guideline, criterion, bulletin, other rule adopted as regulation and filed with secretary of state; determination that rule is regulation
- Section 11340.6 - Petition requesting adoption, amendment or repeal of regulation
- Section 11340.7 - Action on petition upon receipt by state agency
- Section 11340.8 - [Repealed]
- Section 11340.85 - Electronic communications; publication on agency Wed site information on proposed regulation or regulatory repeal or amendment
- Section 11340.9 - Inapplicability of chapter
- Section 11341 - Identification number given each regulation
- Section 11342 - [Repealed]
- Section 11342.1 - Regulation adopted to be within scope of authority conferred
- Section 11342.2 - Regulations to be consistent with statute and necessary to effectuate purpose of statute
- Section 11342.4 - Authority of office to adopt amend repeal regulation