The director shall appoint a Cotton Pest Control Board, consisting of 10 members, to assist and advise him or her on matters which pertain to the control of cotton pests and to carry out its authority specified in this article.
The membership shall consist of at least one cottongrower from each of the major cotton-growing counties in the state, and one member who is not a cottongrower and who represents the public.
Any member of the board who misses two meetings without the permission of the board, is deemed to have resigned as a member of the board.
The board may meet in regular session each month. The chairperson of the board or the director may call any other meeting of the board at any time. Each member shall be allowed per diem and mileage in accordance with Department of Human Resources rules for attending any meeting of the board.
The board shall annually review the effectiveness of the cotton pest control program.
Ca. Food and Agric. Code § 6006