Cal. Ed. Code § 44857
Each person employed by the governing board of a school district for a position requiring certification qualifications shall, not later than 60 days after the date fixed by the governing board of the district for the commencement of the person's service, register, in the manner prescribed by Section 44330, a valid certification document issued on or before that date, authorizing the person to serve in the position for which he or she was employed, and shall, not later than 60 days after the renewal thereof, register the renewed certification document in the manner prescribed by Section 44330. If any person so employed is the holder of a California State University, or state teachers college, diploma accompanied by the certificate of the State Board of Education, or of an educational or life diploma of this state, and has presented the diploma to, and has had his or her name recorded by, the county superintendent of schools of the county, the person shall be deemed to have registered the diploma under Section 44330.
Ca. Educ. Code § 44857